Holiday Closures and Healthy Holiday Tips!!!


  1. DO LESS, ENJOY MORE – Instead of getting stressed by trying to attend every event and pleasing others during the holidays, try taking care of yourself first by saying no at least once. 
  1. BE CAREFUL WITH BEVERAGES – Holiday beverages such as eggnog, peppermint mochas, and hot chocolate can be full of calories and sugar. 1 cup serving of eggnog has 350 calories!
  1. GET ENOUGH SLEEP—Loss of sleep can increase hunger and appetite resulting in weight gain, and impair mental alertness and performance.
  1.  TREAT YOURSELF DURING THE HOLIDAYS – Instead of having a “cheat day”, try a “treat day”. Occasional treats can help you find a balance that will make your diet sustainable for long-lasting change. Indulge, but in moderation.
  1.  TAKE CARE OF YOUR DIGESTIVE HEALTH- Use probiotics. High-quality probiotics can provide the necessary bacteria for a healthy gut which is important to produce serotonin (mood enhancer) and maintain a healthy immune system.
  1.  PRACTICE HEALTHY HOLIDAY COOKING – Bring your own healthy dish to a holiday gathering, prepare home-made foods, and incorporate healthy recipes into your holiday meals.
  1.  TRY MEDITATION– Meditate on your feelings to get calm, grounded, and healthy. Meditation reduces stress & anxiety, helps prevent emotional eating, and improves immune system & energy level.  
  1.  MOVE YOUR BODY— Plan time for exercise! Get active with friends or try a new workout class out of town. If you’re short on time, break up your workouts into 15 minute sessions twice a day. Exercise decreases anxiety and improves sleep.
  1.  GET SOME SUNSHINE VITAMIN D – Try to work in a brief daily walk outside to feel natural sunlight on your skin. Vitamin D helps your body produce serotonin, which is a mood enhance
  2. STAY HYDRATED – Drinking enough water can help prevent headaches, fatigue, or dizziness.
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