Loomis Digestive Health Consultation

An assessment of your past & current health and lifestyle

A Loomis Health Evaluation begins with a comprehensive assessment of your past and current health, including lifestyle such as diet and exercise. I use approaches from my training as a certified natural health practitioner and Loomis Digestive Specialist. We begin with filling out a system survey that is completed on line. During our consultation we look for patterns of imbalances in your body. Diet, stress, and lack of exercise all affect how we feel. We will look together to find the root of the imbalances in your body and treat the body as a whole rather than just looking at your symptoms.

Simple dietary and lifestyle changes, along with the proper nutrition can help your body restore its balance. Together, we will develop a holistic health approach that is customized to your needs. This can include enzymes, herbs, vitamins, minerals, and lifestyle recommendations. I suggest nutritional supplements to add on a daily basis to increase your body’s own healing process and increase vitality. We will always start with diet and digestion.

I am very compassionate and knowledgeable in the area of health and nutrition. I will listen to your concerns and assist you in choosing a regiment that will boost your overall vitality and help eliminate dysfunction, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. On your first visit with us, I will help you clarify health issues, and support you in making the necessary attitude, diet and lifestyle changes that will benefit and enhance your overall health and well-being. Your first visit can last up to one and a half hours.

I am not a licensed medical doctor and I do not diagnose diseases. A Loomis Health Evaluation with me is an educational experience for which you will learn about enzymes, herbs, vitamins, minerals and other supplements that will enhance your health and inspire healing.
You could meet with me in person at The Healthier Way, or arrange for a Zoom consultation. I will also be available by phone or email to answer questions and address concerns.

How you feel is in direct relation to what you eat and, more importantly, how your body handles the food and drink that you put into it. Digestion is key! Here’s an important point: just because you eat a certain food, like a vitamin-enriched cereal, does not mean that your body can digest and further utilize those vitamins. Digestion does not just happen. If a key digestive organ cannot do its job properly, digestion will not occur.

Vitamin deficiencies are acute and quite obvious, whereas enzyme deficiencies tend to sneak up on you over a period of time. The terrific news about enzyme deficiency is that diet modification along with food enzyme support will get you back to a state of health and well-being.

Digestive Difficulties

When proper digestion doesn’t take place there can be negative health consequences. For example, if you have trouble digesting the food you eat, you may experience:

  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Indigestion, gas pain, bloating
  • Dry skin, hair falling out
  • Loss of energy and fatigue

The Homeostatic Digestive Palpation Test

Digestive Stress

Digestive problems are becoming more and more common, and the annual sales of antacids are now in the billions of dollars. Watch television for an evening and you’ll notice just how many drugs are advertised to help relieve symptoms but do nothing to improve digestion.

Digestion must be considered the cornerstone on which the science of nutrition rests. When digestive problems are addressed and corrected, nutrients are delivered and can be properly assimilated. The body is then able to restore balance and heal itself.

What isn’t understood is that when our digestive organs are stressed, there is increased muscle tension associated with these organs. Each digestive organ shares a common nerve supply with specific muscles, and this means that when an organ is stressed, the related muscles contract.

What if there was a way to discover the source of your digestive stress?

Palpation Exam

The Homeostatic Digestive Palpation Test was first used in 1986 and is now employed daily by health care practitioners trained in the Loomis System®. Your health care practitioner uses the information from this test to correlate their knowledge of neurology and biochemistry with a physical examination looking for increased muscle contraction.

Findings from a fasting palpation exam are compared to a second exam done about 45 minutes after eating. By palpating, or “feeling”, your abdomen before and after a meal, your health care practitioner will be able to determine what happens to each of your digestive organs when they are presented with food.

The findings, often used in conjunction with interpretation of a 24-Hour Urinalysis and the Signs and Symptoms Survey™, can usually pinpoint the true cause of your digestive symptoms.

With this knowledge, your health care practitioner can increase the benefits you derive from your diet by improving your digestion. For support to be most beneficial, it needs to be specific to the individual.

How it Works

What dietary changes can be made to alleviate the stress, and what food enzymes can be used to improve pre-digestion? The Homeostatic Digestive Palpation Test is a useful technique that can answer these questions and many more such as:

  • Can your digestive organs do what nature designed them to do?
  • Which ones are being stressed?
  • Is your digestive system struggling to break down carbohydrates?
  • Do you have difficulties with protein?
  • Do you avoid fat because you don’t feel good when you eat it?
  • Can you digest vegetables and fruits without excessive bloating and gas?

Our bodies need food, water, air, and sleep to function and maintain health. You must be able to digest your food, break it down into the appropriate components, and utilize those nutrients. You must also be able to eliminate the waste so your immune system is not overworked, and health can be maintained.